Unlock Government Opportunities

Saildrone offers a range of contract vehicles to facilitate customer access to ocean data.

A crane is lifting a saildrone.


Contract no: 47QTCA22D0097

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More information: https://www.GSAAdvantage.gov.

Defense Innovation Unit


Contract no: HQ0845-22-9-0030

The DoD’s Defense Innovation Unit (DIU) mission is to accelerate the adoption of commercial technology for National Security. In Saildrone’s partnering effort with DIU, DIU awarded Saildrone the Production Other Transaction agreement HQ0845-22-9-0030 to allow DoD and other US Government (USG) entities to purchase mission services of the Voyager vehicle. Additionally, DoD and other USG entities may enter into their own Production Other Transactions agreements with Saildrone without the requirement for further competition (based on the successful completion of the Saildrone/DIU prototype contract and successful completion memo).

More information: https://www.diu.mil/solutions/portfolio/catalog/a0Tt0000009EnAHEA0-a0ht000000AQtkPAAT


NOAA ProTech Fisheries

Contract no: 1305M418DNFFK0006

Saildrone is a federally recognized small business and a NOAA ProTech Fisheries contract holder, a service-related contract vehicle, which consolidates services into a single procurement. The ProTech contract vehicle can be leveraged by NOAA and any other Department of Commerce organizations.

More information: https://www.noaa.gov/acquisition-grants/protech

Start Your Mission

Saildrone's autonomous vehicles provide cost-effective solutions for in situ data collection in remote ocean regions.